Product Innovation & Design

Introduction to Engineering Design |
Prerequisites: none
Introduction to Engineering is primarily designed for freshman but is open to all grade levels. It is the first course in this pathway. In the introductory course students will develop fundamental skills in computer aided design (CAD) and modern manufacturing techniques. Students will learn to use lathes, mills, 3D printers and laser cutters. They will be introduced to design thinking, review basic measuring, and develop their sketching abilities in order to be able to quickly communicate their ideas.
We use a program called Fusion 360, made by Autodesk (the original inventors of AutoCAD). With this program students will be able to create virtual models of their designs and write CNC programs to bring them into the real world.
Engineering Design II |
Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineerng Design
Engineering Design 2 is the second course in the Product Innovation and Design pathway. In this class students will learn how to program, set up, and run a CNC mill. The engineering design process will be emphasized throughout the projects in this course. Advanced CAD techniques will also be introduced.
Engineering Design III |
Prerequisites: Engineerng Design II |
In this course students will explore generative design. Generative design is among the very newest design and manufacturing techniques. It allows designers to use computer power to explore hundreds of design options that would take weeks using traditional methods. During this course students will use generative design techniques to create a lightweight bicycle or motorcycle frame. Students will also get more in depth with the principles of design thinking as they tackle the issue of single use plastic.
Engineering Design IV |
Prerequisites: Engineerng Design |
This is a senior level class that will bring together all of the skills students developed in the previous courses. In this capstone class students will develop an original product from concept to prototype. Each student will choose a real world problem facing our comunity and spend a semester iterating the design process to develop a suitable solution. These products could be improvements on existing products or entirely new creations. |
Learn to use Autodesk Software to "make anything!"
Learn to use Autodesk Software to "make anything!"![]()
Learn to use Autodesk Software to "make anything!"