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Welcome, Parents!

Welcome, Parents!

Parent Involvement is welcome at Golden Sierra.
Golden Sierra’s School Site Council provides our faculty with parental input that helps us respond to the
needs and values of our community. Through data analysis and in-depth discourse between faculty and
parents, our site council develops plans to improve student achievement at Golden Sierra.
Friends of Golden Sierra (FOGS) serves as our athletics booster club. Through its efforts, the group has provided a steady stream of support to our athletics program, which allows Golden Sierra to provide 19 varsity sports as well as solid junior varsity and freshman programs.
The Golden Sierra Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) provides another layer of support for numerous programs and projects. This body supports many nonathletic extracurricular programs that would not exist without PTSO’s efforts.
For more information on how to become involved at the school, please contact the school secretary Judy Toth, at (530) 333-8330 or
Attendance Reporting Form

Attendance Reporting Form