Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Resources (TUPE)
Confidential Parent Hotline
Confidential Parent Hotline![]()

Their counselors will listen to your story - the challenges, setbacks, obstacles and myriad emotion that often go along with a child"s substance use. Given that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and each family is unique, they'll propose a personalized course of action, offering the best tools and resources to help you help your child, yourself, and your family.
- Available Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm ET
- Closed weekends and holidays
- English and Spanish
- Calls are free and confidential
Drug Free Divide supports youth on the Divide by providing multiple opportunities to become involved in our local and school communities and beyond to the county and state communities as well. In 2013, Community Service after-school Club from previous years have joined forces under a new name of an internationally recognized Club:
This club is sponsored and advised by both the Georgetown Rotary Club and Drug Free Divide (DFD). The INTERACT Club is a service organization that broadens our student’s circle of influence, raises self-esteem, and empowers individuals to make a difference in this confusing world we share. INTERACT Club is open to students 12-18.
Besides the chance to be on several community organization boards as representatives of the Divides youth voice, this club can provide students with:
- Participation in projects to put on resumes, and college, scholarships and job applications. Additionally, they will have professional references from staff and project managers.
- Public speaking opportunities, originating and planning large or small scale team projects outside of school, opportunities to develop leadership skills and meet new people.
- Required community service projects.
- Work on over-lapping projects and trainings, as well as collaboration with the Peer Advocate Class.
- Experience working with grants, survey strategies, evaluation of data, international youth organizations and worldwide issues that concern young people.
For more information please contact Carolyn Barla at 530-333-8312 or through email.

Proclamation Presentation!
Proclamation Presentation!![]()
This proclamation states that the Board of Supervisors of the County of El Dorado support the Drug Free Divide Coalition in their Efforts to Protect Young People on the Georgetown Divide from Exposure to Environments that Encourage the Use of Marijuana.

Students- Savannah Stevens, Jessica Whittet, Violet Dressler, Allie Widmann, Kristine Mendoza, Katie Wyskosil, Kevi Pangburn, Mason Bergland, Saddie Parra, Kat Parra, Leslie Wright Adults who attended – Carolyn Barla, Drew Woodall, Sean Fitzgerald, Chief Schwab, John Foley, Cindy Gaffney, Mike Bergland, Stephanie Root, Lucy Oliveira, Kim Taylor, Linda Soto.