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Library Media Center



The mission of Golden Sierra Junior Senior High School Media Center is to ensure that students are effective users of information and ideas through the support and enrichment of curriculum and personal interests.  With equitable access to a teacher librarian, current technologies and materials, practical experiences, relevant programs, instruction and access to digital tools, students will learn to access, evaluate and use information effectively. Providing these experiences will help students to become independent, responsible, lifelong learners prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.
The Information Hub of the High School

The Information Hub of the High School

The Golden Sierra High School library strives to be a place where students learn to:

Recognize the need for information

Formulate appropriate research questions

Identify and locate a variety of resources online and in other formats using effective search strategies

Retrieve information in a timely, safe, and responsible manner

Evaluate and analyze information

Independently pursue information to become lifelong learners

(from the 2010 California State Library Standards)
Golden Sierra High Library Catalog

Golden Sierra High Library Catalog

Connect to the high school library catalog! You can also use your school issued Google email and create your own password to hold, reserve and renew materials. 
Destiny Library Catalog
El Dorado County Library: Resources for Coursework and ebooks

El Dorado County Library: Resources for Coursework and ebooks

El Dorado County Library
Great Apps for Sharing a Presentation

Great Apps for Sharing a Presentation

Kendra Steward
Digital Presentation Tools

Digital Presentation Tools

    Create and share visual ideas online
  • Storify
    Make the web tell a story by collecting posts, music, pictures and news from across the web
  • Google Chrome
    Use your student account to log in and have access to docs, drive, sheets, forms and more!
  • Prezi
    Create interactive presentations in this web-hosted presentation builder
  • Screencast-o-matic
    Online presentation build that allows you to screen shot and record a voice-over.  Very simple to use!