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Community & Clubs

Parent Involvement is KeyTop of Page

Your Voice Can Help Golden Sierra Get Even Better

Being involved in your child's education is a critical factor in improving our school and improving education at large. We have numerous opportunities for our parents to get involved. Please read through the descriptions of each group and then check out each group's respective website on the Community Tab. 

The PTSO meets monthly to discuss ways to raise funds and provide support for Golden Sierra's teachers directly in the classroom.

Our Site Council also meets monthly (right before the PTSO meeting) and is focused on analyzing student data and developing a strategic plan for improving student performance. Members have the opportunity to be involved in a series of classroom observations in order to assist in the data analysis. This group is also involved with the WASC accreditation visit which will happen this next spring.

FOGS (Friends of Golden Sierra) is primarily involved with supporting our athletic programs. They operate the snack bars at athletic events as well as other fundraisers throughout the year. Their primary focus this year is to support junior varsity and junior high school teams.

The Parent Action Club is primarily focused on improving outcomes at the junior high. Their work centers around improving the campus culture and academic climate.